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Free 14-Day Fast Start Training For Local Businesses:
100% Free. No credit card necessary.
This free, 14-day partner referral marketing, fast start training is much more than just information. It's a step-by-step simple system for implementing the ultimate customer-generating marketing strategy. Over the next 14 days, you can expect 3 specific outcomes:
You’ll see how fast, simple, and mostly automatic, it is to find one (or more) excellent business owners in your local area who are eager to partner with you, and refer all their customers, clients or patients to you. NOTE: If you already have referral partners, or you’re a member of BNI, LeTip or some other networking/referral group, this free 14-day fast start training can make those referral relationships many times more productive.
You’ll generate referrals quickly, easily and for free, using the provided SuddenSurge™ partner referral marketing campaign, including ready-to-use marketing tools and templates.
You can expect to see a surge in activity and interest in your local business almost immediately, and begin getting new customers, clients or patients calling, and coming in to buy, within 14 days (or less).
And after just 14 days, you'll have a simple, fun and free customer-generating marketing system in place that you can use over and over again, as often as you like, with as many partners as you like. And it gets stronger and more productive each time.
100% Free. No credit card necessary.
From: Eric Ruth
Orlando, Florida
Dear Local Business Owner,
Starting right now - and completely free of charge - I'll show you how to get new customers in the next 14 days, without spending a dime.
Actually, it's even better than that...
Because the simple and free customer-getting process you're about to learn can be repeated over and over again, every 14 days, or once a month, or whatever interval you want.
And each time you do it, you can get bigger and better results. Because it becomes even more potent and productive the more you use it (exactly the opposite of advertising, which gets weaker and less effective the more you use it).
You can run the SuddenSurge™ partner referral marketing campaign with just one partner, or with multiple referral partners, simultaneously or consecutively.
Deeper Connections Mean More Customers
And with each campaign, you and your partners can get more customers, become more well known, and more "top of mind" within your hometown community.
You develop more "know-like-trust" connections, and a growing sphere of influence in your local area.
And they see you as different and better than other businesses. Because you're not using shrill advertising or marketing gimmicks like all the rest.
Instead, you're building relationships and giving the folks in your town what they want. Because people love to buy from businesses they know, like and trust. But they hate to be sold by businesses they don't.
The big referral marketing breakthrough you're about to discover in this free 14-day training is the new and simple way to systemize (use repeatable processes to produce consistent outcomes) and scale (get bigger results, faster) what we already know is unquestionably the best way to get customers, clients or patients for your local business.
Here's the proof...
Alignable.com surveyed over 7000 local business owners like you about the best way to get local customers. 85% - 6337 business owners - said word of mouth referrals are their #1 best way to get local customers.
Do More of What Works
Why do we complicate things?
The fastest, easiest and most certain way to get more customers and make more money is to do more of what works, systemizing and scaling it along the way.
But instead we make things harder and more complicated by taking our eye off the ball...by chasing the newest marketing "shiny object".
I've been guilty of it. Almost every business owner I've ever met has been guilty of it. And there's no shame in that...as long as we learn from it.
The Only Shame Is Not Correcting It
Because every study, statistic and survey ever done - plus your own personal experience - confirms that word of mouth referral marketing is the ultimate business-building strategy.
There's no speculation or theory here.
Only empirical evidence, hard facts and undeniable proof...that when we know, like and trust a business...it becomes our #1 choice.
And we tell others about it.
And that's why every marketing expert, consultant or coach with integrity will tell you that systemizing and scaling word of mouth referral relationships gives you greater certainty of business success than any other form of marketing or advertising.
Because it's the single most proven path to business prosperity in history - the one thing that practically guarantees your business becomes a lot more...
Rewarding, Fun and Profitable
But maybe all this sounds suspiciously like hype to you.
Or you think there's no way it can be as simple and straightforward as I say it is.
Maybe you're interested, but need more information to be sure it's a good fit for your business.
I understand.
And that's why this special training is...
100% Free.
Inside your 14-Day Fast Start Training, you get all this completely free:
Smart people are always skeptical when you see something with such obvious value being offered for free.
You naturally want to know... what's the catch?
And the truth is...there's no catch. But there is a strategy.
You see, for the past 7 years, I've focused exclusively on developing a complete referral marketing system for local businesses. We've gone through dozens of iterations and hundreds of tests to dial it in.
So now it's more effective and more powerful than ever before.
But instead of trying to convince you of that, I'd rather prove it to you. Completely free, and without any obligation.
And that's why I'm offering you this 14-Day Fast Start training for free.
If that makes sense to you, just click the button below to get started now:
100% Free. No credit card necessary.
Over the next 14 days you'll discover referral marketing principles and strategies that make you a far more savvy and effective marketer of your local business.
But you won't just learn...you'll do!
You'll implement a simple system that produces 3 specific outcomes:
It's an unbreakable business axiom that the faster, and more consistently you LEARN --> DO the faster, and more consistently your business grows.
As trust in paid advertising declines, word of mouth marketing via strategies like partner marketing referral programs...have become the most effective means of building...more revenue for your company."
January 20, 2020
When you look at the numbers - and consider the true cost of advertising - and how that cost impacts your bottom line...
...the choice becomes crystal clear:
Do you want to keep paying for expensive and risky advertising...that most people find unwelcome and annoying?
Or do you want to use simple, fun and free word of mouth referral marketing that works...and feels good...because it's authentic, professional...and a lot more profitable.
LocalByReferral® is a new breakthrough in word of mouth referral marketing. It's different and better than anything you've seen before, because it's:
LocalByReferral® is for all local service, retail and restaurant (not fast food) businesses that...
____ Commit to excellence - to be more, give more and grow more.
____ Care about their customers, clients or patients, and community.
____ Provide maximum value in their products, services and experience.
____ Understand customer and community relationships matter most, and are the secret to a highly profitable, fun and rewarding business.
____ Avoid marketing fads, gimmicks or manipulative tactics that burn bridges, not build them.
If you can't check off all 5 of those items, then LocalByReferral® won't work for you. Because people only refer to excellent businesses they know, like and TRUST.
Eric Ruth, Camelia Ruth and Aaron Crocker comprise the leadership team of Local By Referral. Together we have 30+ years of local business building experience, owning multiple brick and mortar local businesses, selling over $30 million in products and services, and helping thousands of local business owners like you get more customers and make more money.
We've helped local businesses generate over $2 million in charitable donations, won marketing, business coaching, and entrepreneurship awards, and made the Inc 500 list of fastest growing privately owned companies in America, twice.
Most important to all three of us is our track record of integrity and commitment to be, give and grow more.
We look forward to meeting you inside LocalByReferral®. Click the orange button below to get started now, 100% free of charge.
100% Free. No credit card necessary.
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